Rare engraving by Stéphane Mandelbaum, the soldiers, signed and dated, dedicated to max (Herraut?) Stéphane Mandelbaum, born in Brussels on March 8, 1961 and died in December 1986 on the heights of Beez, in the suburbs of Namur (Belgium), is a Belgian neo-expressionist painter and draftsman. A brilliant artist, whose career was as intense as it was short. His work is widely sought after by amateurs and collectors A retrospective exhibition of his work took place at the Georges Pompidou Center in 2018. It was the painter Paul Trajman who introduced him to engraving, this one is particularly rare because it is an artist's proof printed during his lifetime, it is in its original frame. Most of Mandelbaum's engravings on the market are printed after his death and unsigned. He made 22 engravings. Excerpt from an article by the DIX291 gallery If Stéphane Mandelbaum's engraved works may seem more "wise" and classical than his drawings, it is certainly because they are the result of a slow and calculated technique in relation to a medium more suited to responding to the sense of urgency that characterizes his work. They are all, nevertheless, very representative of his impulsive quest through the consistency of the themes addressed and the intensity of their treatment: obsessive figures from his artistic pantheon (Bacon, Pasolini, Rimbaud) or family ("Szulim" the venerated grandfather, "Shoret" the Jewish butcher); wounded self-portraits; suffering bodies ("Écorchés", a soldier mutilated on the "Champ de bataille") and orgasmic "Nus". Stéphane Mandelbaum died tragically in 1986, at the age of 25.