Two large abstract painting designed to complement each other by the Belgian Artist Nico de Guchtenaere in 1998. These paintings feature a blend of contemporary styles in earthly colors that evoke a sense of tranquility and sophistication.
The works of Nico De Guchtenaere can be seen as a meditation on the naturalness of making art, on the physical and mental activity of man. There is a continuous play of opponents in these works: between the inner and the outer world, between the visible and the concealed; between traditional painterly expressiveness and postmodern strategies.
It is a way of reflecting on the creative process by evoking the natural world, and the naturally grown, as a process of power, a process of life, death and rebirth. The organic forms are thus a metaphor for his own artistic evolution, as a meditation on the naturalness of making art, on the physical and mental activity of man.
From his interpretation of nature, Nico De Guchtenaere does not develop purely abstract art, but an abstract and very material transformation of his expressionist temperament. His iconography suggests a new meaning, it serves the constant reminder of an aesthetic consciousness.