"Portrait Of Elizabeth Plumer (née Byde) And Her Daughter, Circa 1735 John Vanderbank (1694-1739)"
Portrait of Elizabeth Plumer (née Byde) and her daughter, c. 1735 by John VANDERBANK (1694-1739) Large 1735 portrait of Elizabeth Plumer and her daughter holding a rattle, oil on canvas by John Vanderbank. Three-quarter length portrait of Elizabeth Plumer, formerly Elizabeth Byde, daughter of Thomas Byde of Ware Park, Hertfordshire. Wearing a green satin dress with her first child after her marriage to William Plumer, a British lawyer and Whig, in 1731. Presented in its original gilt frame with plaque identifying the sitter. We are currently cleaning the portrait which includes the sale price. Provenance: Direct from the sitter's family, United Kingdom Dimensions: 57" x 47" framed approximately