"Bouquet of Flowers with Shells" (1977)
Oil on canvas
40 x 61 cm
Signed and dated lower right (Ana 1977)
Born in 1943 in Kavadarci, Republic of Macedonia.
1966, Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade.
1968/69 Specialized in mosaic in Ravenna-Italy, in the class of Prof. Renato Signorini.
Member of DLUM since 1967.
1987-1993 Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts - Skopje.
Study trips to France, USSR, Italy, Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, Holland and Turkey.
More than 100 group exhibitions in the country and abroad.
Solo exhibitions:
1968-Stip, Art Gallery
1969-Ravenna, Italy, Gallery "A Mariani"
1970-Skopje, Art Gallery
1970-Ohrid, “Mosha Pijade”
1971-Belgrade, Home of the JNA
1972-Novi Sad, Small Art Salon
1973-Skopje, Center for Culture and Information
1974-Skopje, “Dom JNA”
1976-Sombor, Gallery Sombor
1980-Skopje, Center for Culture and Information
1980-Kumanovo, Art Gallery
1980-Negotino, Museum of the town of Negotino
1980-Kavadarci, National Museum
1992-Skopje, KIC (Culture & Information Centre)
1997-Skopje, Museum of the town of Skopje
2001-Skopje, Museum of the town of Skopje
2006- Strumica, NU Culture Center "Anton Panov"
2006-Shtip, Institute-Museum Shtip,
2006- Kumanovo, NU Museum Kumanovo, Art Gallery
1966-Belgrade, Youth Union Art painting award "66"
1967-Tuzla, Award for portrait, Gallery of Yugoslavian portrait
1968-Skopje, Art painting reward of the magazine “Mlad Borec”
1969-Ravenna, Italy, Award "Vincenzo Monti"
1975-Tuzla, Gallery of Yugoslavian portrait reward
1975-Sarajevo, Portrait reward, magazine "Oslobogenje"
1978-Skopje, Republic Award "11 Oktomvri"
1979-Skopje, Graphic-art reward, by NUB "Kliment Ohridski"
1983-Skopje, Art painting reward, "Nereshki majstori"
1984-Skopje, Art painting reward "LIKUM", Author's Agency of RM
1986-Skopje, Award for aquarelle, Syndicates of RM
1986-Skopje, Art painting award FAS "11 Oktomvri"
1995-Skopje, "Dimitar Pandilov" art painting award-small format
1996-Skopje, Grand Prix of the DLUM winter salon
2003-Skopje, Art painting reward, "Lazar Lichenovski"