"Journey Of Louis XV To Le Havre In 1749"
The lives of Jean-Baptiste Descamps and Jacques-Philippe Lebas are the subject of extensive summaries in Wikipedia to which I refer (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Descamps, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques-Philippe_Le_Bas). The visit that King Louis XV made to Le Havre in 1749 was the subject of a digital exhibition, the details of which are available on the web (https://archives.lehavre.fr/index.php/expositions-virtuelles/louis-xv-au-havre-en-1749). The "Arrival of the King at Havre de Grace, September 19, 1749" is the first of six engravings that illustrate the large book entitled "Relation of the arrival of the King at Le Havre, September 19, 1749 and the celebrations that were given on this occasion". The drawings were completed in 1751 and then engraved until 1753, when the book was published. Details: - Engraving. - Drawing dimensions: 62.5 x 45 cm (at sight). - Dimensions with frame: 77.5 x 62.5 cm.