The Aeneid, Tradotta in versi italiani da Clemente Bondi 1. Parma, dalla stamperia reale MDCCXC / MDCCXCIII (1790 / 1793)
Collated complete: Volume I (dated 1790): title – 3 unnumbered ff – XXII pp. – 273 pp. Volume II (dated 1793): 295 pp. – 1 f. errata.
The printer G. Bodoni (1740-1813) worked in Parma (Italy) and was also an engraver and typographer. We owe him the neoclassical Bodoni typeface with filiform serifs.
. Handwritten bookplate in pen on the inside cover of volume I: "1799: Gregorio F.(filippo) M.(maria) Casali Bentivoglio Paleotti", Italian scholar and man of letters (1721 – 1802).
. Heraldic bookplate with the arms of Count Courtin de Neufbourg (1888-1986) at the end of volume I and the beginning of volume II.
The Count of Neufbourg distinguished himself through his involvement in the Resistance (WWII) by founding the 'Arthun group' in 1940 by hiding weapons and welcoming STO draft dodgers. Arrested in 1943 and tortured, he obtained his release more than fifteen days later. With its beautiful provenance and quality of manufacture, this edition constitutes a rare and remarkable collection of bibliophiles.
Note: slight scratches on the cover of the first volume (last photo of the album).
1. Clemente Bondi was an Italian poet (1742-1821). An Italian Jesuit and translator, he worked with the printer-typographer Bodoni in Parma (ducal printing house). We owe him the remarkable translations of The Aeneid (Virgil) and the texts of Ovid.