"Henri-julien Seigle (1911-1995) The Oat Field - Oil On Canvas, Signed - 100 X 81 Cm"
"The Oat Field - Rye (Henri Julien & Marie Nô Pin) - Oil On Canvas Signed and Titled (on the back) - " Pseudonym chosen by the couple formed by Henri JULIEN (1907-1995) and Marie Nô PIN (1912-1998) to create a very unique work together. Henri JULIEN became a student of Edouard VUILLARD at the age of 20, graduating a few years later from the École du Louvre and the École des Arts Décoratifs. Marie PIN studied Fine Arts and met Henri in 1937. They joined the surrealist movement, which allowed them to rub shoulders with André BRETON and Victor BRAUNER. They presented their first exhibition in Paris in 1951. They left the surrealist group shortly after, while remaining very close to artists such as Hans BELLMER, GIACOMETTI and Nicolas DE STAEL to open new creative pages. The painting represented here is a contemporary work of their surrealist companionship, which nevertheless stands out by a very original expression that can be found in several paintings from this period, associating animal silhouettes and plant elements, including the fern and the owl often represented in their work, in a composition that is reminiscent of Miro's paintings and in soft and harmonious tones.