"Benito Espinós (1748-1818), Workshop Of - Oval Bouquet"
- Oil on canvas. Original canvas. - A great innovator of floral still life in Spain, Benito Espinós developed in his youth as a creator of plant motifs for the silk factories of the Spanish Levant, driven by the Enlightenment. His fertile imagination made him, in his mature years, an excellent promoter of compositions out of his time, since his infinite visual repertoire allowed him to unify various traditions in his paintings, without having to adhere to the aesthetic postulates of neoclassicism, which was his contemporary. Espinós' lack of prejudices thus allows him to create elegant floral still lifes that pay homage to the great Hispanic masters of the 17th century without renouncing the rococo exuberance or the restraint brought to Spanish art at the turn of the century. - Unframed image dimensions: 63 x 50 cm / 81 x 68 cm with superb custom-made frame from the mid-19th century. - Galerie Montbaron includes a technical sheet established by a qualified art historian with all its lots. This form is sent in digital format and upon request.