"Great Antique Coat Of Arms Baroque Gilded Wood XVIII Century"
Large noble coat of arms placed within a symmetrically developed crumpled frame, made of wood painted in polychrome and partially gilded. The frame is decorated with scrolls and fruit festoons, while in the upper part there is a ribbon bearing the Latin motto “INTVS EST CANDIDUS RECTA LIBERALITATE ROBV(R) PRUDENTIAE” (“A righteous liberality is clearer than force or prudence”). The shield, supported by a pair of cherubs and decorated in the lower part by a grotesque mask, is surmounted by a crown and three gorgets, in the upper part in the center it features the head of a cherub; it is quartered, in the first and third of azure wedge-shaped with gold, head of Anjou, in the second and third of red bordered in black with gold balls, azure band bordered with gold, head of Anjou. In the center there is another coat of arms banded in blue and gold with a blue band, head of the Medici.