Afghanistan - Pakistan / Ancient region of Gandhara
2nd - 4th century AD
The face is inscribed in a perfect oval, the half-closed almond-shaped eyes surmounted by fine eyebrows meeting at the base of an aquiline nose with dilated nostrils. Full cheeks, the mouth with fleshy lips sketching a slight smile giving the face an expression of great sweetness.
The hair is treated in delicate undulating locks drawing a V at the base of the forehead, the ushnisha symbolized here in a high ascetic bun, the ears presenting long distended lobes symbolizing the royal origin of the Buddha.
The ancient region of Gandhara, at the crossroads of the civilizations of Iran, the Greek world, India and nomadic civilizations, constituted for sixteen centuries an almost obligatory passageway for the caravans that linked the West to China. A Hellenistic background maintained by the trade of luxury goods exported from the Mediterranean basin, mixes with Parthian and Indian influences to the benefit of a Buddhist iconography of great sensitivity.
Grey schist
Wear and visible losses
20.9 x 07 cm including stand
Former French private collection
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