""landscape Of The Animated Countryside Of The Farmer's Wife At The Lake" Oil On Panel 19th Well Framed"
Beautiful framed painting plus painting on mahogany panel to paint representing a farmer accompanied by her dog watching over her two cows at the river in a sublime natural landscape near a mill. The color; the contrast of the scene, the finesse of the touch, all contribute to a charming work of the Barbison school second part of the 19th century, figurative and expressive painting preceding the Impressionism freed from the taboo of a faithful and applied representation. In a very beautiful carved wooden frame gilded with gold leaf with its carmine red velvet margin, this beautiful and sensitive painting, by the detail of its touch is representative of the style of painting loved at this period and which has not lost its appeal of a beautiful universe of peaceful and decorative countryside, this panel of a stamped color merchant displays the format figure N ° 4, beginning of the standardization of formats. A beautiful and fresh, decorative painting in perfect condition (circa 1880, without signature)