Grease pencil - signed lower left
H x W of the drawing = 29 x 43 cm
H x W with frame under glass = 44 x 58 cm
Yvonne Mottet, born January 6, 1906 in Lyon, died September 12, 1968 in Saint-Denis-sur-Loire. One of the five founding painters of the 1949 group "L'Homme Témoin" (The Witness Man Manifesto): "L'Homme Témoin" (The Witness Man) is one of the most important manifestos of 20th-century art. In a world where modern art rhymes with superficiality, egocentricity, and progress, "L'Homme Témoin" (The Witness Man) is a cry for a return to humanity, to feelings in painting. Eight painters formed the core of the "Man Witness" movement: Bernard Buffet, Simone Dat, Michel de Gallard, Bernard Lorjou, André Minaux, Yvonne Mottet, Paul Rebeyrolle, and Michel Thompson.
The Salon of Young Painting: This salon identified with the new generation of figurative artists and, for several years, imposed an aesthetic inspired by the "Man Witness" Manifesto.
The Salon of Painters Witnessing Their Time: The first salon opened its doors in February 1952 at the Paris Modern Art Museum. It brings together sixty-two sculptors and painters from all generations, representing different trends.
Exhibition: Paris 1949, Second Manifesto of the Man Witness, Galerie Claude 1949
Exhibition: The Insoumis of Modern Art – Paris, the 1950s – October/December 2016
Eric Mercier, Painting in the 1940s, from the Art of Defeat to the Journey of Hope, Gazette Drouot No. 2 reproduced
Catalogue of the exhibition 1950s, the Figurative Alternative 1948-1961 Roger Quilliot Art Museum
- The Figurative Reaction 1948-1958 by Christine Counord, Alan Edition
Salon d'Automne 1946-1947-1948-1949
Salon des Tuileries 1952-1953
Salon des Indépendants 1953-1954-1955
School of Paris 1954-1955
Wildenstein Gallery 1956 Paris
Wildenstein Gallery 1957 New York
Wildenstein Gallery 1959 Paris