"Giacinto Gigante, 'the Tower On The Gulf With Characters' (expertized), 32x45 Cm, oil On Card"
Giacinto gigante. In this oil painting on cardboard the famous Neapolitan painter portrays a seaside village with a tower and characters. The quick, confident brush strokes, with some edges accentuated by an incisive dark color, give the particular characteristic expression of Giacinto Gigante. Even the figures of the characters are created with a technique that would seem naive, but in fact manages to create depth and plasticity with a few essential brush strokes. We can assume that this seaside village was created by the famous Neapolitan master, the main exponent of the Posillipo school, probably in less than half an hour. The painting is supported on the back by the expert report of the Milan court expert Dr. Carlo Angelini, dated 05/04/78.