"Charles Gabriel Sauvage (1741-1827) Large 19th Century Bronze"
-Love with a Bow- elegant, finely chiseled bronze sculpture from the 19th century depicting a young Cupid attaching a string to his bow, a subject listed after the sculptor Charles Gabriel Sauvage (1741-1827) and justified by a foundry stamp from Bronzier Gautier. The ensemble is embellished with a refined solid mahogany pedestal adorned with neoclassical gilded bronzes. Note that another version by the artist is exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Good general condition. Dimensions: 49 cm high X 32 cm long X 22 cm deep / subject alone: 40 cm long X 28 xm long. Charles Gabriel SAUVAGE known as LEMIREStained by the French sculptor born on April 24, 1741 in Lunéville (Meurthe et Moselle) and died in 1827 in Paris. Son of a founder, Lemire worked at a very young age in the modeling workshops of the Niderviller factory. He was its director for about twenty years. He exhibited in Paris from 1808 to 1819. He won a medal in 1808. His works are cited as Innocence, marble for the Ministry of the Interior, now in the Museum of Tours and The Genius of Poetry from the Museum of Marseille. The Louvre preserves his works Love Putting a String to His Bow.