Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860 flag

Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860
Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860 -photo-2
Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860 -photo-3
Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860 -photo-4

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Object description :

"Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860 "
Oil painting on canvas depicting a landscape, French manufacture, 1860, original wooden frame, painted with beautiful light and intense colours.
Price: 1 500 €
Period: 19th century
Style: Louis Philippe, Charles 10th
Condition: Excellent condition

Material: Oil painting
Width: 130
Height: 100
Depth: 10

Reference: 1509378

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Cose del Passato
Antiquités, Restauration
Oil Paintings On Canvas French Manufacture , 1860

0039 3389512441

0039 3389512441

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