"Marseille: View Of The Corniche Around 1900"
Beautiful little oil on canvas from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, depicting villas on the Marseille cornice, and nearby at sea the Gaby islet, a fort in the harbor, and the Frioul Islands in the distance. The white rocks and the dark blue sea indicate that the painting was done in winter. In the absence of a signature, we can nevertheless compare this painting to the work of Alexandre Asailoff (1855-1944), because the technique is very close, in the spirit of Olive, his master. This painter, born in Constantinople, made many views of the Marseille coast. He also treated exactly the same point of view, but in summer, with warmer colors. It is in very good original condition, a little cleaning will make it even brighter. It has been in a small oak frame for a long time. Canvas dimensions 32.5 cm x 24.5 cm