"Beautiful 19th Century Oil On Framed Canvas: "lady Of Quality" Louis Philippe Period"
Portrait of the Louis Philippe period, canvas on its original frame, soberly gilded. This lady of quality with pretty tan, with her black hair tied up in a bun, observes us with her beautiful direct gaze, she wears a gold set and is visibly well dressed in a dark dress with a high belt closed by a square gold buckle. She is visibly a lady of condition, in the beauty of her thirty years, with regular features, she holds the pose of three quarters and is finely represented with a smooth pictorial material. A successful portrait I think, a commissioned work, very pleasant, with a friendly face, it would be the least to accompany you on her wall, where I am sure she will protect you with her beautiful eyes full of benevolence, clean and recently cleaned a beautiful decorative work of beautiful proportion... Notice..