Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child flag

Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-2
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-3
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-4
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-1
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-2
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-3
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-4
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-5
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-6
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-7
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child-photo-8

Object description :

"Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child"
Scultura in terracotta di eccezionale qualità e rarità, di area francese agli inizi del XV sec. (rapporto di termoluminescenza a cura del Dott. Fulvio Fantino).
Questa Madonna col Bambino, assisa su di un trono cuspidato gotico, si distingue per la eccezionale qualità nella resa della delicatezza dei volti di Maria e Cristo, che seppur raffigurati in pose e abiti formali, trasmettono una soavità genuina e trasparente.
La Vergine, il cui volto è contornato da due ciocche simmetriche di capelli elegantemente mossi, stringe in una mano una pallina a mo’ di gioco e con l’altra regge il Figlio.
I tratti del viso sono ben delineati ma non troppo marcati, in un equilibrio formale eccellente.
Il Bambino, raffigurato con capigliatura da paggetto, appare con un’espressione ed una posa che smorzano leggermente la rigidità della scena.
Una mano tiene il Globo, mentre l’altra è benedicente.
The decorations and draperies of the clothes are of a high standard and the buttons of Mary's bodice adorn the figure wonderfully. Overall, the sculpture is an example of French Gothic of exceptional quality, expressed in an unprecedented figurative language, in which both the Virgin and Christ have hair and clothing typical of the taste of the nobility of the time. It is therefore thought that this sculpture was commissioned by a member of the French nobility who wanted to give a touch of his own and familiar personality to the most sacred of images, thus creating an elevated, particular and unique example. The conditions are excellent, with some slight crumbling in the lower part of the throne. Only a few traces of the polychromy remain. Dim. cm 24.5 x 18 x 60 H
Price: 14 500 €
Period: Before 16th century
Style: Other Style
Condition: Good condition

Material: Terracotta

Reference: 1511254

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La Bottega delle Anime
Antiques in Sienne
Early 15th Century - Terracotta - Enthroned Madonna With Child

+39 3391399136

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