"Bronze Sword Decorated With Attributes Of Masonic Symbolic - Blade With Hallmarks - 19th Century"
19th century sword decorated with Masonic symbolism on the bronze mount. On one side of this mount is: the trowel, the mallet, the flaming star with "G" on a sandblasted background and on the crest: The Hive. On the other side, the two Columns "J & B", the two letters "M - B" and on the crest a temple on a sandblasted background. Pommel in the form of a pyramid with square and compass and the Hebrew letter. Thin triangular sword blade with a central groove along its entire length, bearing marking and monogrammed punch in an interlaced letter at the heel of the blade. Length: 101 cm Length of the blade: 88.5 cm Width of the blade at the heel: 1.5 cm. Good condition of conservation and use, in its own juice and patina, see details on the photos. Free shipping for France. Shipping costs International prices on request depending on the area of the country. Visit my other items by consulting my gallery and our website: https://www.IrisAntik.com