"Charles Bichet (1863-1929) "winter In Limousin". Crozant School, Limoges, Guillaumin, Jouhaud"
I have repositioned this ad because I have just changed the frame as the first one was not very appreciated and did not serve the work at allPastel by Charles Bichet, this time a pretty pastel representing a winter landscape in Limousin, signed with the monogram at the bottom right. Format of the pastel alone without frame 35x23cm It is therefore a beautiful pastel by Charles Bichet representing a Limousin landscape under a train sky in winter, made around 1920, this post-impressionist composition with a Fauvist tendency by Bichet totally reflects the impeccable technique of pastel by the Limoges artist. Surely the one where he excelled the most, to say, even Guillaumin known for being very stingy with compliments, praised the chalks of Charles Bichet during a joint exhibition in Limoges. I no longer need to introduce Bichet, one of the most important painters of Limoges with his friend Eugène Alluaud and his son-in-law Léon Jouhaud to whom he gave his first lessons; he is of course also part of the Crozant school, since he will set up his easel on the banks of the Creuse, often near Anzême, but his favorite places will remain the surroundings of Limoges, as well as Eymoutiers, or Corrèze, but also La Rochelle and Paris where he was born. Bichet will finally be an excellent painter of still lifes as well as portraits, in short a complete painter who stuck to his time; It has sometimes been said that he was a follower of talent, but this was not the case, because we now know that he produced Fauvist works from 1902/1904, therefore in the middle of Fauvism and therefore at the same period as Vlaminck, Valtat, Dufy, Matisse etc... However, despite some good sales results sometimes exceeding €4,000 or even €10,000 for some portraits, his rating is still very low compared to the quality of his production. For the record, during an exhibition in Limoges where Bichet shared the gallery with Armand Guillaumin, the latter could not help but speak highly of Bichet's pastels, a remark that will be more than noted and will be a landmark, as it was well known that the master of Creuse was very sparing with compliments, especially towards his fellow painters... Charles Théodore Antoine Bichet was born on December 15, 1863 in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. He was a student of Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard at the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français in particular in 1903, 1904 and 1905. In 1884, he began teaching drawing in the schools of the City of Paris, then he came to live in Limoges where he was also a drawing teacher, he taught many students, some of whom also became painters such as Marcel Merguiller who wrote a book on his master which is now a reference (I am also selling 2 gouaches by Merguiller, do not hesitate to ask me for photos). Painter and watercolorist at first classical, he then turned to post-impressionism and Fauvism from 1902/1903. Charles-Théodore Bichet died on March 28, 1929 in Limoges. This pastel is in very good condition, delivered in a contemporary silver rod Work guaranteed authentic