"Front Of Ottoman Armor Known As Krug - Constantinople, Saint Irene, 2nd Half 15th Early 16th"
Front of Ottoman armor called krug - Constantinople, arsenal of Saint Irene, 2nd half 15th early 16th century This armor consists of a central shield protecting the chest, two side plates for the flanks and a neck plate. The plates are held together by beautiful and complex mail work. Typical armor of Ottoman warriors of the 15th and first half of the 16th century. This one is particularly interesting, partly because of its good state of preservation but especially because of the hallmark of the arsenal of Saint Irene on the central shield. Saint Irene (Hagia Irena) is a church that was built in the 4th century within the city of Constantinople (Eastern Roman Empire then Byzantine Empire). The Ottomans took the city of Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453 and initially preserved the church of Saint Irene. Then in 1459, it was integrated into the construction of the Topkapi Palace and became a military arsenal. Accidents and losses, all visible in the photo. Diameter of the frontal shield 28cm Total weight 1200gr