""weapons Of Louis XVIII", Book From The Tuileries Palace "collection Of Various Pieces""
This precious copy in red morocco, large In 8 format, lace-framed covers, with the "Grandes Armes de Louis XVIII" is of prestigious provenance: "Palais des Tuileries" (No. 422), ribbed spine decorated in the boxes with fleurs-de-lis, marbled guards, red edges. This large volume is in two distinct parts by Mr. Barthe and Mr. D'Arnaud, a work wonderfully illustrated by Eisen and Cochin, engraved by De Longueil and Massard (the great names in illustration of this period. For the first part in Original Edition: "Letters from the Abbot of Rancé to a Friend", written from his Abbey of La Trappe, by Mr. Barthe, of the Academy of Belles-Lettres of Marseille, printed in Geneva and can be found in Paris at Duchesne, Bookseller, rue Sint-Jacques, above the Fontaine Saint-Benoit, at the Temple du Goût, and Panckouke, Bookseller, rue & next to the Comédie Française, at Parnasse 1765. Illustrated