" To The "arms Of Philippe d'Orléans" 1 Vol. In 8 "on The Importance Of Religious Opinions" Necker"
Of exceptional provenance, this 8vo book belonged to the Duke of Orléans. This beautiful 8vo volume; full red morocco comes from the Library of Louis Philippe d'Orléans for a unique and founding text in the Original Edition by Necker (Minister of Louis XVI), this copy with covers is framed by a small fine golden frieze with the Prince's Arms, large 8vo format, spine with raised bands decorated in the boxes with gilded iron with fleur-de-lys, paper guards with gilded patterns, printed on strong Holland paper, red edges. Printed in London and is in Paris, Hôtel de Thou, rue de s Poitevins in 1788. Rare "Original Edition" of this important work in which Necker denounces social inequalities and promotes tolerance... One year before the outbreak of the "French Revolution. On the Importance of Religious Opinions by Necker is a work which revealed a collusion between the Minister deposed and the Prince by Marie Antoinette, and the one who wanted to take the place of King Louis XVI, supported by the People of Paris: Louis Philippe d'Orléans, then Philippe Egalité after 1792, guillotined on November 6, 1793, he is the Father of King Louis Philippe I. This book and its historical affiliation are explained by the Collusion between the two Men