" Fragment Of A Tapestry "verdure With A Monkey", Brussels Workshop, Mid-16th Century"
- Fragment of tapestry, weaving from a Brussels workshop around the middle of the 16th century. This weaving depicts a landscape with lush vegetation that shelters a monkey, with a hostile appearance, with its rounded back and visible fangs. This fragment forms a suite with the fragment "Fragment of tapestry with the squirrel" also offered by our gallery and informs us about the presence of men above. This explains the attitude of the animal that we see here.
- This fragment is to be compared to the production of the Brussels workshops of the middle of the 16th century. This is evidenced by the theme, the careful design, the beautiful fineness of weaving (7 threads/cm) which offers a supple textile, the materials used (wool and silk) and the colors whose freshness suggests the use of colorfast fabrics.
- Dimensions: Height: 41 cm, Width: 115 cm