"French School Of XVII Century 1660 Entourage De Mathieu Le Nain (1607-1677)"
Portrait of a young gentleman in profile head turned to the left, painted in a feigned oval. Oil on canvas (75 cm by 60 cm) In his time frame of 92 cm by 77 cm, carved and gilded wood (floral pattern corners) By way of her hair and clothes, it should put this work toward the middle of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the reign of Louis XIV. This handsome young man under bright and determined, wearing a wide collar of fine lace on a brown velvet jacket adorned with a white scarf. The pictorial style enables us closer to an artist in the wake of Mathieu Le Nain impregnated Pierre Mignard. MATHIEU LE NAIN (1633-1662) Ordinary Painter of the City of Paris in 1633 awarded the Order of St. Michael in 1662, he was commonly called the "The Dwarf Knight." Bright and stylish, the author of the Guardhouse (1643, private collection) has almost abandoned scenes of rural life. His favorite models are military, young men in hats with feathers and lace flaps. A pretext is enough to justify their meeting around a table, as in the backgammon players Louvre. Although credited with Venus in Vulcan's Forge (Museum of Reims), Mathieu was primarily a painter of group portraits taken probably of Dutch painting. He knew, like his brothers, giving the light intensity unforgettable.