"Fireplace Plate Dating From XVIIth Century"
Very rare plate of molten chimney at the beginning of XVII ème century, two columns * torses support on the left a representation of St Pierre ("Prince ** of the Apostles" and head of the church) with its attributes, the key and the rooster at his side and on the right a bishop or an abbot (superior of an abbey, who is in the same rank as the bishop) with a miter and a stick, insignia of his function of pastor. In the center a trigram SHI surmounted by a cross in the axis of H, alchemical symbol for Sulfur, Hermes and Ignis, formula that can be translated by sulfur and mercury *** regenerated by fire, mercury also being designated by the cross; underneath a pierced heart of three nails, the three nails as a symbol of obedience, chastity and poverty associated with the bruised heart of Mary, symbol on the seals of the generals of the Society of Jesus from the early seventeenth century. * The two columns represent for Christians the limit between the terrestrial world and the spiritual world. ** Prince, in the Latin sense, the first. *** Mercury, mythological god of Rome, often accompanied by a rooster, symbol of the new day, it is unlikely that it is only coincidence in our plate. The documentation of our research will be provided. Its weight is 167 kg.