"Still Life Bouquet Of Roses In Vase Year 50"
Bouquet of roses in a vase.Painting on panel framing in gilded wood. The painting, from the 50s, is signed down in a very legible way, the author is to be determined. The energetic and precise treatment of the flowers gives a colorful and toned canvas showing the mastery of the subject by the painter. The golden frame accentuates the effect. In good house condition. POSSIBILITY OF SHIPPING, reinforced packaging reinforced, recommended with insurance and parcel number for tracking on the internet (shipping). SAONE ANTIQUITES store 149 rue de la levee 01750 ST LAURENT SUR SAONE 500 meters MACON (71000) open tuesday to saturday 3 pm -19 pm and morning 10.30 am-12.30 pm if no client estimate (call before Purchase sale restoration furniture, objects 18-19-20ème, succession, sharing, estimation, storage etc ..