Our model has the assets of Kazak Lambalo, recognizable by this central medallion with two tons , red and ble.This rug with large geometric motifs of plants and animals is composed of a large central medallion of a past red, having for central ornament an octagon with ten small floral niches, placed on a field blue night framed by a wide border borrowing the motif crabs along two bands of light blue with carnations.
The set is in very good condition, slight wear, this carpet is wool on wool dyed with a mixture of plants and minerals,
the fringes are short (two cm for the top and 2 cm for the bottom) and in very good condition. The whole is very bright. 170,000 knots on average at M2.Velours, woolen chain that can be mixed with goat hair.
This carpet has been cleaned professionally and ecologically.
Dimensions: Length: 194.5 cm ( 76" ), Width: 125.5 cm ( 49" )