"Nicolas Constantin Platon-argyriades Dit Platon (1868-1968) Earthenware Vase"
Nicolas Constantin Plato-Argyriades says Plato (1868-1968). 1st part of the 20th century Vase in the shape of a book in earthenware with saucy connotation On the first dish, it is written plum "neurasthenic cod" or virgin and grandmother .. romance of the low sea, is in beautiful-isle- at sea On the back: from the same author, the Bernic in madness and the enterprising mackerel novel of love - the line of the whiting hair novel. - shrimp perfume, summer psychological study - whale and periwinkle, novel of love - a crab walked right ..., study on maritime alcoholism - in press the martyrdom of obese flounder, recipes of beauty. On the lower edge, it is indicated pottery Belle-Ile-en-Mer. below. Plato composition "The upper edge is golden Height: 13 cm, width: 8 cm, thickness: 5 cm