Our work, majestic and sensitive, borrows its composition, at least in part, from the Virgin of the Rose of Raphael (Prado Museum in Madrid) and even more from the Virgin of Novar by Giulio Romano (Scottish National Gallery of Edinburgh) . Yet we are in the presence of a completely original work of an artist of Emilia Romagna. By choosing colors of great intensity for clothes, the painter accentuates the striking contrast with the pallor of the flesh of the Virgin and children as the light comes to wrap the bodies, offering realistic patterns thanks to a perfectly mastered design.
In the classical models, the Virgin is almost always represented, surrounding with her two hands the Infant Jesus. All the emotion is then concentrated in the mother / child relationship, which gives the name of "Maternity" to this type of representation. On our painting, the painter derogates from the rule: the Madonna appears very generous, an arm open to welcome the child St-John the Baptist. To the sentiment of Love, this gesture adds that of the Sharing.
Seated on a large armchair with armrests in the form of representing sphinxes, our Virgin also becomes a Virgin in Majesty.
In conclusion, this work of the end of the Italian Renaissance is of a museum quality.
Dimensions : 37,8 x 28 ¾ in. sight – 46,8 x 37,4 in. with frame
State : Restoration of use mainly on funds. The flesh and the colors are intact. Panel formerly reinforced by two sleepers. Sold with a casseta frame in blackened and golden wood (in the style).