Stamped by Antoine BONNEMAIN (received as master on July 18, 1753).
Louis XVI period.
Born in 1725, Antoine BONNEMAIN is the brother of cabinetmaker Pierre BONNEMAIN, and will be nicknamed "BONNEMAIN LE JEUNE" in order to distinguish him from his elder.
Antoine obtained his master's degree on July 18, 1753 and moved to rue Saint-Nicolas, in Paris. BONNEMAIN produces fine, fairly classic furniture, sometimes very refined. Its seats will cover the Louis XV, Transition and Louis XVI styles. His most beautiful creations include office chairs, armchairs "à la reine" of beautiful proportions, molded and sculpted with great refinement, "cabriolet" armchairs, very beautiful sofas and caned seats, including a rare model of toilet armchair in the shape of a heart, a version of which is known with its stamp and another, conserved at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, could be given to him, as well as Louis XVI chairs, including several very beautiful models with lyre backs.
His son Pierre-Antoine, born in 1755, will be his successor.
The Imperial Garde Meuble will place several important orders for furniture in the 1811s.
• PARIS, MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS – Fauteuil cabriolet à coiffer (attribué à).
• NESLES-LA-VALLÉE, ÉGLISE – Fauteuil Louis XVI servant de fauteuil de célébrant – classé Monument Historique le 21 novembre 1930.
• PUISEUX-LE-HAUBERGER, CHATEAU – Fauteuil – classified as a Historic Monument on July 16, 1984.
• PUISEUX-LE-HAUBERGER, CHATEAU – Lit – classified as a Historic Monument on July 16, 1984.
• Pierre KJELLBERG, Le Mobilier français du XVIIIe siècle, Les Éditions de l'Amateur, Paris 2008
• Comte François DE SALVERTE, Les Ébénistes du XVIIIe siècle, Les Éditions d'Art et d'Histoire, 1934
• J. NICOLAY, L’Art et la manière des ébénistes français au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, 1976.
• B. R. The Master Chair-Maker’s Art. France 1710-1800, Frederick P. Victoria and Son, Inc., New York, 1984