"Bronze: Young Fisherman Dancing The Tarantella"
Bronze sculpture with a very beautiful brown patina It is signed F. Duret and represents a Young Neapolitan Fisherman dancing there tarantella and playing castanets. Founder Delafontaine, Signatures on the terrace. Francisque Joseph Duret 1804-1865: claims to be of classical antiquity perceived through the Florentine Renaissance; some of these best-known works, Jeune Pêcheur dansant la tarantelle and L'Improvisateur, reveal a much more familiar trend that evokes the "troubadour" style dear to Romantics. A pupil of his father and of Bosio, Duret obtained in 1823 the Grand Prix de Rome for sculpture, which earned him to reside at the Villa Medici until 1828. His works appear in many museums in France, and he is the author of the statue of St-Michel slaying the dragon on St-Michel square in Paris.