Old imperial city, Fez, the white, city with 100 Doors, owes its foundation, in 788, to Moulay Idriss Ben Adballah, in a fertile and green basin sprinkled with several wadis, at the crossroads of the trade route which goes from Sijilmassa to Tangier, and the one which, from Marrakesh travels as far as Tlemcen and, beyond 'in Cairo, Mecca or Damascus. Endowed by the Almoravids, in the 11th century, with an impressive wall, Fez has many doors, Bab, which allow exchanges with the outside. Bab Sbaâ is on the edge of the lower town, Fez Jdid. It has two completely different sides.
One opens towards the small Makechar of the Makina and the Palace and offers to the eye a single door decorated with a broken horseshoe arch, and decorated with rich sculptures and surmounted by merlons. We can see there a cartel dating from the year 1303 of the Hegira (1884 from our comput) where its name reads, in mosaic.
To go further: https://www.lestresorsdegamaliel.com/tableaux/246-bab-sbaa-cote-sud-fez.html
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