"Thirteen Views Of The City Of Vienna"
Set of thirteen identically framed engravings representing views of the city of Vienna in the 19th century. We find the famous view of the Austrian capital taken from the Belvedere gardens, the Karlskirche, the entrance to the Augarten park, the Feuerwerkplatz in Prater, the Kettenbrücke on the Danube canal which led from the Rasumovsky palace to the Prater, the Burgthor on the Ring which gives access to the Hofburg, a view of Vienna from the suburb of Meidling which lets see the Stephansdom stand out on the horizon, the Josefplatz with the national library, the Hofburg, the votive column of Spinnerin am Kreuz with the center of Vienna and the Stephansdom in the background, the Praterstern with Nord Bahnhof, the temple of Theseus in the Volksgarten or even the Franz-Joseph quay which runs along the Danube canal.