"Tombeau Chest Of Drawers Stamped Jean-charles Ellaume 18th Century"
Tombeau chest of drawers stamped Jean-Charles ELLAUME, known as Elleaume or Allaume, 18th century French cabinetmaker received master on November 6, 1754, established in rue Traversière in the faubourg Saint Antoine district in Paris. Louis XV period. In rosewood veneer, opening front with five drawers in three rows, anterior uprights terminated by curved legs. Important ornamentation in chiseled and gilded bronzes. Four exceptional chiseled and gilded bronze keys. Red marble to beak of corbin. Height-86cm width-130cm depth- 63cm. Good condition. Old restoration and restoration to predict.Provenance: estate of a large Parisian family.With certificate of authenticity.
Bibliography bye Pierre KJELLBERG - Le mobilier Français du XVIIIe siècle - Editions de l'amateur - 2008.