"Daum Frères - Nancy"
DAUM Frères - Nancy "Coquelicots" Double glass vase in a flat quadrangular shape, with a wide opening folded when hot. Decoration covering stems, leaves, poricides and poppy flowers, released in fine reserve and enameled red-orange and brown-green with golden highlights, among a frieze of ferns engraved in reserve and on a background of bright yellow and orange interlayer powders. Base rubbed with gold. Signed "Daum # Nancy" in gold, under the base. 10 x 13 x 14 cm Bibliography: "Glass of Art Nouveau", Kitazawa Museum of Art, Mitsumura Suiko Shoin, Japan, 1994, variant form with similar decoration reproduced on page 228 under number 306. - "Daum Nancy Maîtres Verriers" , Galerie Wühre 9 edition, Zürich, variant form with similar decoration reproduced under number 29. A "Poppies" double layer glass vase by the Daum Brothers at Nancy, with a folded rim and an etched and ... Read more ... enamelled decor of poppies among a frieze of ferns and on a background with yellow and orange powders. Signed "Daum #Nancy" under the base. 3.94 x 5.12 x 5.51 inch