""Boulier" en acajou de la Compagnie du Chemin de fer du Nord au 19 eme siècle"
Shot in 2 parts in a mahogany ball, this ballot box belonged to the general secretariat of the northern railways, staff inspection as indicated by the stamps under the bottom; Inaugurated on September 20, 1845 by James de Rothschild, the company was created to operate the concession by the state of the lines from Paris to the Belgian border; The Direction of the country railways (DCFC) was charged to recruit, in the personnel of the networks, employees, either voluntary, or subjected to the military service, by the law of recruitment; This is where the "urn" comes in, retaining numbered hemispheres designating after successive eliminations, the incumbents of the positions. Rome, Athens with its centuriate courts, Venice for its doges, the designation of jurors and magistrates of assises, the conscription of the XIX th mentioned here, and closer to us, the regional citizens '"conferences citoyennes régionales" and the "150" of the citizens' convention , had recourse to it; To calm electoral passions, what is better than a good impartial and ... republican draw. The numbers decide, chance chooses .... surprise!