"Important Scriban In Solid Walnut Louis XIV Period. Late 17th Century / Early 18th Century"
Important Scriban in solid walnut from the Louis XIV period. End of the 17th century / Beginning of the 18th century. Provenance of a castle in Normandy. Furniture with impressive dimensions, also called a scribanne chest of drawers or a sloping desk. It opens in the lower part with four drawers in three rows. The flap reveals in the upper part a theater made up of three doors and ten small drawers. Note that the flap is made of a single board. A lockable hatch uncovers a cache in the center of the theater. Two covers are also hidden on the sides of the cabinet. Finally, other caches have been planned. Front uprights with molded cut sides. Paneled sides. Fonçures in fir for the back and the interior of drawers. Eight functional period locks with three keys. Dimensions: L 165 x D 68 x H 124 Discover all the items for sale on: lespatinesdelandelle.fr