"Large Corpus Christi In Wood, Germany XVIth (h 93 Cm L 85 Cm)"
This large wooden Christ is a German work dating from the 16th century. Of significant size and by its very realistic anatony, this sculpture of Christ on the cross gives off a very moving force and presence. The face, tilted to the right, is of great finesse in the features of the half-closed eyes and the half-open mouth with a supple fall of a lock on the shoulder. . The very clear humanization of the body shows us the ribs, the retraction of the abdomen associated with the swelling of the thorax. The gaping wound is there to remind us of the suffering. The perizonium, with significant traces of polychromy, is short and leaves the legs wide, slightly bent with a crossing of the rotating feet. It should be noted cracks due to time and detachment of the wood. Its condition, which was fragmented, has been restored in several places. We see traces of glue, on the arms, a thigh among others. A finger is missing on the left hand. Old nails are visible. Its large size and the strength of this sculpture make it a very decorative object, very present. Without cross. Dimensions: Height 93 cm / L 85 cm