"Butsudan - Dainichi-nyorai - Ere Showa - Japan"
Butsudan in which Dainichi-nyorai, the Mahâvairocona Buddha or "Great Sun", the supreme figure of esotericism in front of a Mandorle on a richly carved pyramidal throne, have been found. He is seated in a lotus position (meditation) performing the mùdra known as the “Concentration of the Plan of Essence”, with extended fingers, thumbs touching, forming a triangle. All in gilded and lacquered wood. The temple when in it is in painted and lacquered wood. The doors are richly enhanced with cut and engraved plates in gilded metal. The closure and the hinges are decorated with a Lotus flower. Beginning of the Showa era (1926-1989). Dimensions : Height: 28.5 cm; width: 13.5 cm; depth: 12 cm. The Butsudan is a Japanese travel Buddhist hotel or chapel that can be of different sizes and receives one or more Buddhist deity (s) in different positions or more rarely in the form of Tanka These objects were passed down from generation to generation.