"Curious Glass With Silver Medal Archbishop Afire XIX"
Old glass plates odds on heel in which enchassé a silver medal with the effigy of Archbishop Afire, Archbishop of Paris. On one side face profile Mgr Afire, the reverse inscribed "Death martyr of his heroic dedication - 1848". When the glass is shaken, the room is free to move as it is in a pocket of air in the ass glass. Bubble glass with defects cooking, bead glass is not perfectly round. This item is in very good original condition. Height 10 cm, diameter 7 cm neck. Denis Auguste Affre, born in Saint Rome de Tarn (Aveyron) September 27, 1793, and died in Paris June 27, 1848, was the 126th Archbishop of Paris. Nicknamed the ugly "by the legitimist who reproached him for his advanced ideas and gallicanism Archbishop Afire died June 27, 1848, two days after being hit by a bullet while he went to the barricades to interpose between the insurgents and the republican army.