""after The Battle", Circle Of Christian Reder (leipzig 1656 - Rome 1729)"
Oil on canvas attributable to Christian Reder also known as Monsù Leandro, active since his youth in various capitals of northern Europe and Venice then settling in Rome in 1686. Painter famous for his depictions of battles and bambocciate. The raw scene in the foreground shows men and horses ready to retire after battle. In the background on the right side there is a rural village on a rocky ridge, on the left side in the distance a besieged village. In painting, we can see how easily and with what confidence the painter faced the execution of the figures of the characters and the horses, radiating the whole scene with realism. The hallmark of the Reder is the vivid chromacity of the backgrounds and the sky.
The work is presented on the first canvas, with contemporary lacquer and gilded frame and in excellent condition (Original from late XVII century). Measures of the canvas: 75 x 50
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