Note on bouquet holders: The use of the bouquet holder first appeared at the court of Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV and developed throughout the 18th century. Flowers were then worn on clothes and in hair. In order to keep the freshness and the fragrance of the flowers, the bouquets holders took the form of bottles concealed in the bodices or worn on the clothes. In the 19th century, the practice of carrying flowers led manufacturers to create new types of bouquets holders. The bouquet holder is then made up of a vase which extends from a handle on which we sometimes find a chain connected to a ring. The latter is fixed to the finger or to a chatelaine and allows to retain the bouquet holder. A system allows the bouquet to be fixed in the "vase", the simplest being that of the fixed needle bouquet. Sources: Catalog of the exhibition “Porte-bouquets” at the Cognacq-Jay Museum in 2005.