Born around 70 BC. AD, Caius Cilnius Maecenas, his French name Maecenas, is the heir to a great fortune. It is especially his friendship with Octavian, the future Emperor Augustus, which gives him a social status and a strong influence on Roman life. Recognized for his talents as a diplomat and negotiator, Patron will intervene in the shadows to place Octave in power and settle conflicts. Unofficial adviser to the emperor for many years, Maecenas was not interested in the highest offices. He will however rule Italy, in the absence of Augustus, during the Sicilian War. Passionate about letters, he will use the arts for his Augustan propaganda while fighting to protect them. It was especially when he retired from political life that he began to finance great artists himself. He knew how to recognize and protect promising talents like Horace, Virgil, Varius and Properce. In his house and its famous Horti Maecenatis gardens, many artists will follow one another, taking advantage of several performance halls and an auditorium. Open to everyone, the Maison de Mécène is a place conducive to artistic development.