Created by a Japanese craftsman, this bronze incense burner rests on a base under which is affixed the Takao signature. The lid, cut open to let the scent of incense rise, is surmounted by a Qilin. This mythical deer, little known to Westerners, is however one of the four celestial, supernatural or beneficial creatures of ancient China; it was adopted by traditional Japanese culture. Consider it the equivalent of our unicorn since its Japanese translation would be "beast with one horn"!
This mythological qilin represents perfect happiness, gentleness, peace and prosperity, an animal after all ideal to accompany the ceremony of tea and incense.
The belly of our incense burner is decorated with phoenixes while the handles are stylized dragons.
Delivery worldwide.
Favor the purchase of antiques is favorable and sustainable development!
This perfume burner can be seen in our Bordeaux store, at 64 rue Notre-Dame in the Chartrons district.
Height: 33cm
Width: 20cm
Depth: 13.5cm
Price: 1300 €
Your purchases are carefully packaged by us to ensure their integrity up to your delivery address. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Delivery price in metropolitan France: 35
Delivery price in Europe: 55 €
Delivery price to other destinations: 75 €