The name engraved on this wedding cup corresponds to Jeanne Bouzereau. Indeed, wedding cups were often engraved with the name of the bride. Jeanne Bouzereau, daughter of Jacques Bouzereau, owner farmer in Saint-Romain and Jeanne Mairet, married on February 19, 1840 Jean-Baptiste Bonnardeau, son of Jean Bonnardeau, winegrower and Catherine Millard. The wedding took place in Saint-Romain. The husband, domiciled in Cormot-le-Grand, exercises the profession of winegrower. Jeanne Bouzereau is a seamstress. One of the witnesses, Denis Bouzereau, is the wife's brother, and works as a distiller in Saint-Romain
A master silversmith's mark to be deciphered: ME 5 census mark at the head of Minerva.
The handles end on hearts attached to the bowl
The piedouche is decorated with a frieze of intertwined curves
Height: 10.6 cm
Diameter of the bowl: 13 cm
Diameter of the piedouche: 7.6 cm
Weight: 181 gr