"André Favory Landscape Cubist Still Life Tablecloth And Fruit Bowl Oil On Canvas"
André Favory (Paris 1889 - Paris 1937) Cubist still life, tablecloth and fruit bowl circa 1913 Oil on canvas 33 x 32 cm On the reverse on the stretcher, stamp "André Favory Workshop Fund" Cubist still life, tablecloth and cup of fruits reveals a synthetic cubism. The everyday elements, the tablecloth, the fruit bowl, the glass, the newspaper are fragmented, superimposed It is from 1913 that André Favory begins to paint cubist works. This cubist parenthesis will last a year, until the start of the First World War when he is mobilized. His compositions oscillate both between a Cézannian cubism and a synthetic cubism. His style evolves, he seeks various means of expression. Free, he tries, experiments. He works both on cubism in its codes while deploying his personal imprint, that of a generous, sensual and colorful painting. Find the entire collection of cubist and youth works by André Favory on the site www.andrefavory.fr