"Armand Rassenfosse, Ex-libris Project, Drawing From 1907"
Allegory of health and medical knowledge Ex-libris project for the Swiss pharmacist Richard Doetsch-Bensiger, collector of paintings, prints and drawings and passionate bibliophile. Our project was carried out with strong water, varnish and drypoint with sugar printed in blue in 1907. Considered as one of the most beautiful ex-libris of Belgium around 1900 by Sander Piron who wrote in 1906 a long article entitled: "The Belgian designers of ex-libris", he devotes an important part of his article to the ex-libris of Armand Rassenfosse and in particular the one that we propose, in these terms: "the chest and the left arm are constructed as one. has rarely constructed figures in works of vast proportions. It is suave and so captivating, we never tire of looking at this face ..... it would take a long time to discover a rival, it is in our opinion the most remarkable result of our revival of the book print ". As such, the engraved ex-libris of Armand rassenfosse have been grouped together in a work published by the Galerie Le tout coming (catalog number 16). Our drawing is reproduced and widely commented on (forurni work with the work). Armand rassenfosse is a major figure in Belgian design.