stamped by Jean-Chrysostome Stumpff received master on August 27, 1766.
Rosewood and violet wood marquetry with its original marble, Aleppo Breccia.
Period bronzes
Jean-Chrysostome Stumpff (1731-1806)
Master on August 27, 1766, is of German origin like many eighteenth-century Parisian cabinetmakers.
Born in Swabia, Stumpff established himself as a free craftsman in Rue Saint Nicolas, where he remained after obtaining his master's degree in 1766. His stamp can be found on many works in rosewood veneer and in Extreme-style lacquer. Orient, inlaid with geometric patterns.
But what established the notoriety of this cabinetmaker was a very original marquetry, trompe l'oeil, simulating small cubes and raised braces, marquetry which had enormous success in 1770.
a half-moon piece of furniture bearing his mark appeared at the Decorative Arts exhibition in 1882.
Most of his production is in the transition style, his Louis XV (quite rare) and Louis XVI furniture are still of excellent manufacture.
• 18th Century French Furniture - Pierre Kjellberg - Les Editions de l'Amateur - 2008
• 18th century cabinetmakers - Count François de Salverte - Editions of Art and History - 1934