All with deep light oak modern frames, and bespoke cardboard white and black frames with bevels? some on thinner paper pages (transparent to light) , others on thicker media (between paper and cardboard)
We can of course provide you detailed photos on request
The pages are painted according to the ancestral tradition with brushes with only one squirrel hair - which obviously allows an exceptional line finesse and worked with hilkali -gold ink.
These miniatures could be sold as a set (11 000€ /8) or separated with following prices:
* Photos 1 and 5,6
2 painted miniatures pendant, with main green khaki color and gold, stamp with 1889 date on the background one of the 2 pages,
First one on Music (3 musicians) and danse (1 dancer) for Mughal Emperor entertainement 29,2*21,6cm
(43.5cm*33cm with frames)
et 2nd depicting amaid styling the mughal queen NUR JAHAN' s hairduring a musical and dancing show (1 musician and a dancer), 27,9*21,6cm,
(43.5cm*33cm avec les cadres)
(-3383 et -3384) 3500€ for the pair
* Photos 2 and 7,8
2 painted miniatures pendant, with mughal Emperor Shahjahan portrait and queen Mumtaz Mahal one on their thrones, in front of a Mughal architecture, rich and wide ornamental polychrome and gilded floral frame on a black background35*26,3cm et 35*26,3cm,
(43.5cm*33cm avec les cadres)
(-3362) 2500€ /2
* Photos 3 and 9,10,11
2 indian painted miniatures pendant,with Maharadjah and his Queen / Mughal Emperor Shahjahan and queen Mumtaz Mahal on musical and dancing show entertainement, main khaki green and gold colors, 29,2*21,4cm and 28,9*21,3cm, one of the 2 pages with on its background the stamp and the date "JEYPORE 3 juilet 1902",
(43.5cm*33cm with frames)
(-3360A et -3360B) 3500€ the pair
and * Photos 4 et 12
2 indian painted miniatures pendant,withMughal Emperor Shahjahan and Empress Mumtaz Mahal on their thrones, interior scene on white marble and gilding Mughal architecture with gold design carpet on black carpets, 30,4*22,9cm et 30,4*22,9cm
(43.5cm*33cm with frames)
(-3361) 2400€ les 2